The Egyptian Phoenix has two long feathers fixed atop its head with a white crown of ostrich feathers. Its rising is associated with the rise of the Nile river and creation. Its cry marking the beginning of time.
The Arabian Phoenix is said to be as large as an Eagle with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage and a melodious cry. At the end of its life it sets its nest on fire, is consumed by its flames, and after three days rises from its ashes.
The Chinese Phoenix is described as having the beak of a cock, the face of a swallow, the neck of a snake, the breast of a goose, the back of a tortoise, the hindquarters of a stag and the tail of a fish. It symbolizes high grace and virtue. If used to decorate a house, it represents the loyalty and honesty of the people who live there.
The Japanese Phoenix, known as the Ho-Oo, resembles the Chinese Phoenix. It descends from the heavens only at the birth of a virtuous ruler and the beginning of a new era. Its symbol represents justice, fidelity and obedience.

A Phoenix is about to rise over Jeffries East. One can only hope that its rising can be captured in pictures.